Our past: Lack of education. Meager childhood. Abuse. Being bullied. Absent parent. Abortion. Divorce. Poor mistakes in Life. Sin.
Our personality and who we are: Being to sensitive. To tall. To short. To Loud. A daydreamer. An introvert. Outspoken. Our gender. Ethnicity.
Our lack and limitations: Lack of money. Health problems. No kids. Dyslexia. Labels and diagnosis. Addictions. Mental capacity.
Society expectations and peer pressure: Mother shame. Body shame. Not fitting in. Being left out. Not being able to do it all or meet expectations of those who matter to us. Needing help. Lack of acceptance.
Having more than others: Having a job. Opportunities. Kids. A nice house. Having privileges.
Spiritual life: Lacking in spiritual maturity. Not giving enough. Inconsistent with prayer. God not answering our prayers. Not fitting the Christian mold.
Go deeper, read Shame: Recognize It, Heal From It, Walk in Freedom, post 10.