My husband wanders into the kitchen.
“Notice anything?” he asks.
I glance up from the myriad of morning chores I am multi-tasking.
He is dressed for work. Pants belted. Fly zippered. Dress shirt buttoned. Hair combed. Nothing seems amiss. Nothing pops out, screaming for attention.
“Not a thing,” I say.
He humps. “What about my socks?”
My eyes travel to the floor. His left big toe is poking through a practically new black dress sock.
“Looks like you still have a lot of wear left in those socks.”
“You would think that?” he sighs, exasperated. “But I don’t. I want my socks thrown away when they develop a hole.”
This story continues at, please join me there where I am guest posting.
Thrown away?
Did I just hear you gasp? Me too.
Do you ever wonder what to do with all those single socks floating around your house? Hiding in your drawers? Well wonder no more. Because I come up with some pretty nifty ideas for those practically new socks with holes we all have in our possession.
This story continues over at Continue reading here and solve that problem that plagues anyone who wears socks or washes clothes.
** Disclaimer: None of the socks pictured below are socks from my husband’s drawer or ones he wears.
May link up at Kelly Balarie (#purposeful faitht), Crystal Storms (#HeartEncouragement), Maree Dee (#Grace & Truth), Anita Ojeda (#inspirememonday), and Mary Geison (#tellhisstory).
Receive hope, encouragement, and inspiration for your journey.
- How Knowing Your Husband Can Impact Him for Good - March 24, 2022
- How to Stop Focusing on What’s Wrong with You - March 9, 2022
- Is God Really Good All the Time? - February 24, 2022
Sherry Ann T Lee says
Socks – that’s so funny that you are talking about socks. My daughter just made 2 dolls out of socks and I made a very sad looking teddy bear out of a sock. So, now I am on the look out for any and all socks with holes in them so I can use them! Send them my way, hahaha!!!
Theresa Boedeker says
Great. Now I know where to send all my lonely socks. Good for you Sherry, reusing those sad socks we don’t know how to use. Maybe I can rescue my husband’s sock and make a black teddy bear! Wouldn’t that surprise him?
Bliss says
Poke a couple more holes and you have finger-less gloves.
Use it as a bottle/can huggie to keep your drink cold.
Put several together for pot holders.
Use the pretty ones as tree ornaments.
Outside faucet covers.
Blindfold for next Pin-the-Tail-on-the Donkey birthday party.
Paint a reflective color and wear over shoes when walking at night. Or pin on clothes so cars can see you.
Sew them all together for a “memory” blanket. (I.E. Remember that sock? It made you late for work.)
Oh my, so many uses…..LOL
Theresa Boedeker says
Oh Bliss! You are a life saver. Now I have a hundred, or at least a dozen more ideas to toss at hubby. Together, you and I could write a book on reusing sorry sad socks. I think it would be a DYI craft person’s dream book. I am thinking a best seller at laundromats. 🙂
Carolyn S Thomas says
This is a riot, Theresa! Here’s something I’ve been wondering: why does my husband always get holes in his socks , yet mine last for YEARS??? And guess what!? My son’s socks are ALSO full of holes–but my daughters’ are not! Hm…. A suggestion for someone’s school science project, maybe….
Theresa Boedeker says
Carolyn, you are so right! My socks never get holes, and yet, well we know my husband’s do. Something is going on here. And it’s not just because he doesn’t cut his toenail, because he does. A science project may just unravel the answer.
Jeanne Takenaka says
Theresa, I loved reading your humor. 🙂 My three guys tend to wear socks until the holes they created are bigger than the holes the sock was purchased with, if that makes sense.
Theresa Boedeker says
Yes. It makes perfect sense.
Someone came to yoga with socks that had big holes that started about an inch before the toes join the foot. Maybe your son’s socks could become snazzy exercise foot accessories too.
Jeanne Takenaka says
Laughing right now!
Mary Geisen says
Oh, the mystery of where the socks disappear to and what to do with socks that are past their prime. I love your creativity in coming up with ways to save the socks!!!
Theresa Boedeker says
Thanks, Mary. We don’t want to forget the socks. 🙂
Michele Morin says
Eager to read on…