Realize you are an injured person (who needs healing), not a person who just need to try harder and do better, or a person for who there is no hope (what shame tells you). Learn about shame — how it works and how to identify it.
Know your identity and combat the lies of shame with the truth. Learn your story and how shame impacts it. Quit believing that untrue story and instead rewrite and believe the true story.
Practice vulnerability and being in relationships with empathy. Let yourself be known and seem. Being known and seen break shame’s bonds.
Have grace, kindness, and compassion with yourself. Don’t blame yourself for believing the lies that shame told you. Let yourself be human.
Go deeper, read Combat Shame by Knowing Your True Identity, post 8; Why We Use Shame on Others and Ourselves: 6 Eye Opening Reasons, 9; and Shame: Recognize It, Heal from It, Walk in Freedom, post 10.
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