Life is a wonderful and messy adventure.
Sometimes we enjoy the journey, and other times we are so busy trying to contain the mess and straighten up the crashing timbers falling into our path that we miss out on the wonder, laughter, beauty, and bittersweet moments that are calling for us to notice. So slow down, take a deep breath, laugh at the craziness and try not to miss out on the love, grace, and blessings from God that surround us and make life so enjoyable.
I write a blog and create a podcast, using words to unwrap the mysteries of life.
My goal is to encourage, provide hope, and inspire you in your journey of life. With a little humor thrown in.
The blog is Things to Remember. Many posts include narrative stories that reflect on life and show how simple moments and everyday details point to God and His truth. I help you remember your worth, see the beauty in your everyday life, and be reminded of God’s grace that surrounds us all.
The podcast is called Life as it Comes. Most are funny stories concerning life and its misadventures – because we all need a laugh now and then to keep going and see things a little clearer.
Please enjoy and be encouraged by both.
Latest Posts:
How Knowing Your Husband Can Impact Him for Good
How to Stop Focusing on What’s Wrong with You
Is God Good All the Time?
Don’t Bite the Bait: How to Respond to Criticism
Why We Feel Guilty for Taking Care of Ourselves
5 Motivating Reasons for Christian Women to Engage in Self-Care
What Measuring Stick Do You Use to Determine Your Self-Worth?
Accepting Christmas as it Comes
How to Celebrate Christmas (Even When You Don’t Know How)
Bibliotherapy: What It Is and How It Helps You
Why My Mug Shot Is on the Wall of a Winery
How People Influence Our View of God
Finding Rest Under a Large Paper Napkin
Living in Freedom Versus Condemnation
Guest post at Living By Design Ministries
Why is Life Harder Than We Imagined?
Fancy Free Podcast Episode 121
Others Junk and a See-Through Trunk
The Comparison Game of Apples and Oranges
Redeeming Life’s Detours
How to Appreciate Your Body
Guest Post at Kindred Mom (Enjoying My Good-As-It-Gets Body)
The Challenging Sleepover: Letting Go One Decision at a Time
Guest Post at Kindred Mom
What Makes Your Soul Sing and Nurtures Your Heart?
Guest Post at Wow! Women On Writing
Write So a Piece of Your Doesn’t Die
Will Life Ever Return to Normal?
If You Give a Mom a Pie
For the Love of Color
Guilty Before Questioned
When Life Is Not Fair: 6 Things You Can Do About It
The Power of a Slight Smile
Spiritual Shame: What It Is and How to Conquer It
Quit Beating Yourself Up Over the Small Things
Don’t Dread Being An Amateur
Who Is the Hero of Your Story?
Savoring Books: Why They Keep on Giving
Why Our Worth Fluctuates More Than a Stock Market Commodity
Don’t Let Fear Keep You From Living
Imagine If You Can, How a Yes Changed the World
Embracing the Extremes of Life: How and Why We Can Do This
Counting Blessings on a Card Table
How to Already Never Be Listening (What Not to Do)
Are You Weary and Tired? 10 Things to Remember
Hold Loosely To Your Opinions
Guest post at Just Between Us
Who Are You Impacting?
Guest post at Blogs for Christian Women
Revamping Your Life: Why Now is the Perfect Time
Guest Post at Candidly Cristian
What If Shame Has a Bigger Purpose Than Us?
Post 11 in a series on shame
Shame: Recognize It, Heal From It, Walk in Freedom
Post 10 in a series on shame
Why We Use Shame on Others and Ourselves: 6 Eye Opening Reasons
Post 9 in a series on shame
Combat Shame by Knowing Your True Identity
Post 8 in a series on shame
Shame Versus Guilt: What’s the Big Difference?
Post 7 in a series on shame
How to Replace the World’s Lies With God’s Truth
Guest post at Living By Design Ministries
12 Ways That Misinterpreting Events Causes Shame
Post 6 in a series on shame
The Symptoms of Shame and the 4 Ways It Makes You Feel
Post 5 in a series on shame
Environments Where Shame Thrives
Post 4 in a series on shame
How the Lies of Shame Cause Us to Think We Are the Defective Ones
Post 3 in a series on shame
There is No Shame in Feeling Shame
Post 2 in a series on shame
You Are Not Meant to Live in Shame
Post 1 in a series on shame
Sock Solutions that Bedazzle
Remembering the Most Important Part of the Story: 7 Ways Christmas and Telling a Joke Are Alike
Adjusting Expectations So Your Soul Can Breathe
There’s Gotta Be Some Sort of Mistake: How Learning About Yourself is an Ongoing Process
One of the Greatest Gifts We Can Give Another
The Winding Little Road to Happiness
Sometimes it is Better to Listen, Than Talk
What if We Quit Holding Our Opinions So Tightly?
The Heart We Are Breaking When We Lie About Our Self
Stop Being Embarrassed About Your Superpower, Ladies, and Instead Embrace It
Reframing the Truth in an Old Story