Flower pictures are my go-to pictures. They pop up everywhere.
Why flowers, you may be thinking? Doesn’t she have any friends or know any people?
Attempting to get to the bottom of your questions, and my fascination with flowers, I conducted a Q & A.
Question: Do you have any camera skills?
Answer: None. Zip. I see people with those fancy cameras turning the round lens thing and I wish I knew what they were doing. I have a simple phone camera, which I keep trying to remember not to hold upside down.
I grew up with an old-style camera. Yes, back in the day when cameras used rolls of film. Film cost money. And was not to be wasted. In those days, I took one photo, two if it was a special occasion, and hoped no more than half the people had their eyes closed or were blurry when the film was finally developed (which cost more money).
Here is how I learned to take pictures. I stepped back from the people. Stepped back some more. And then retreated even more. I wanted as much background as possible. (A whole mountain was better than part of a mountain.) People were an accessory to the photo. Also, the farther back you were, the less you saw that someone was picking their nose, scrunching their eyes closed, or slapping their sibling.
Question: How come you don’t you use photos with people?
Answer: Everyone I know hates getting their picture taken. Seriously! You should hear them complain and moan when they see a camera pointed at them. If and when I do happen to catch them in a picture, they are usually making faces, holding up rabbit ears, looking seriously pained, or not paying attention.
My family also wants no social foot print. Which according to the fine print, means no photos.
Not to be deterred, I once spent a day trying to get random people to pose for me at the grocery store, the park, and around town. They turned out to be even more uncooperative than my family and friends.
Question: Why not use stock photos?
Answer: I have a hard-enough time deciding what to wear every morning. Trying to find the right stock photo for my posts seems about as complicated as filing my taxes. (If A applies, move to B. If B applies, turn to Z. If Z applies, order form 2564 via reindeer mail.)
Question: How did you decide on flowers?
Answer: I was thinking about stating a blog and noticed that pictures were necessary. I already knew I could not use photos of my house or family. I also had no miniature goats, fluffy chickens, talking squirrels, or anything I deemed picture worthy.
That winter we were in Hawaii at the botanical garden and I about fell over when I walked into the lush canopy and saw the flowers. These were not your typical daisy and pansy flowers. These were exotic flowers like I had never seen before.
Suddenly I had the urge to capture them on camera. I kept taking closer and closer photos of the flowers. My son was helping me by pointing out flowers and cheering me on. I remember turning to him about 10 photos in and said, “Why don’t I post pictures of flowers on my blog?” He praised my idea, and the rest is history.
Question: Why close ups of flowers?
Answer: I want viewers to focus on the flowers, not be distracted by the background. Flowers are so fragile, delicate, and beautiful. When I see them close up, I am reminded of the glory of God and his attention to small details.
Question: Have you always loved flowers?
Answer: No. I never thought about them until I was in my 20’s and charged with keeping some geraniums alive. I was sure I would kill them. They survived, despite me.
Powered by the geranium success, I filled our first deck with 20 pots of roses and flowers. The next year my husband double dug a huge flower garden for me. I planted 50 roses and all sorts of flowers. The more I took care of them, the more I was fascinated by them.
It would be years, though, before I thought about taking pictures of them.
Question: When it comes to taking pictures, how are flowers and people different?
Answer: Are you serious? There is no comparison.
1. Flowers don’t back talk and whine when you want to take their picture.
2. Flowers stay rooted in place. They don’t run away or make faces while you are trying to capture their image.
3. Flowers can’t hide your camera to keep you from taking their picture.
4. Flowers are always smiling.
5. Flowers don’t need to be told to hurry up and get ready for a picture. They are always ready.
6. Flowers require no bribing. (“Come on, people. Please! Just one picture. And if you let me take 2 pictures, you can have pizza.”)
Question: Do you still like flowers?
Answer: Yes. It is hard for me to see flowers and not be happy. They make me smile. They are cheery. Their colors are so bright. They remind me of sunshine and warm weather.
Flowers can be an extravagant or simple gift. I want readers of my blog to receive a bouquet of flowers every time they visit. I want them to feel happy, cared for, and loved. Flowers do this for me, and hopefully they do it for my readers.
Thanks for stopping by. Keep remembering what’s important.
If you need some weekly encouragement and hope, tied up with some humor? Subscribe and join the journey. Life is sweeter when we walk alongside one another.
Join the discussion: Leave any other questions for Theresa below, and she will gladly answer them.
May link up at Holley Gerth (#coffeeforyourheart), Lori Schumaker (#Moments of Hope), Crystal Storms (#HeartEncouragement), Arabah Joy (#Grace & Truth).
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I love flowers too.
Any shape, color, size.
Fragrance or no fragrance.
They make me smile and feel happy.
I love reading your blog because you are cheerful, encouraging, funny, and remind me to be thankful for flowers, humor, life.
God is shining through you.
Thanks, Katie. You are most dear. Love how your words here are so poem like. 🙂
I LOVED this post! I also have no camera skills, but just started experimenting with taking pictures of flowers and sometimes bees and butterflies. I don’t know what I will do now with the weather getting colder. Your flower pictures are beautiful!
Laurie, it is fun to experiment taking photos of different things. Wishing you lots of happy hours shooting.
When the weather is colder, I go through and post all the flower pictures I didn’t get to in the warm weather.
Good idea. We live near a wonderful indoor garden (Longwood Gardens), so that could be a source too. Some of your pictures remind me of Georgia O’Keefe paintings – so beautiful!
We were in Pennsylvania this summer. Wanted to go to Longwood Gardens, but didn’t get there. Yes, indoor Gardens and butterfly houses have flowers year round.
Hello, this is Theresa’s sister. Yes I dislike having my picture taken. (Is my hair combed down, my makeup okay, my smile not crooked, etc,etc,) I agree with Theresa, to much sugar for a dime.
Our first Sister’s trip a couple years ago, every time I turned around, Theresa was taking a picture of a flower!!! I got so aggravated that I started taking pictures of Theresa taking pictures of flowers! I mean, she already had at least 10 pictures of flowers. How many could someone take???
Fast forward to the next couple trips: knowing that it makes Theresa happy to take flower pictures I now point out flowers and make sure she doesn’t miss a flower. In fact I will take picture of flowers some times and send them to her to bring a little joy to her day.
I love seeing the different flowers Theresa posts. I was never really into flowers before Theresa started taking the pictures and posting them.
Thanks you for brightening my day! 🙂
Hi Bliss! Oh yes, I remember that first trip. You have gotten so much more patient with my wanting to take flower pictures. Thanks for all your encouragment. And thanks for brightening my life.
Theresa, as someone who just today accidentally took a picture upside down, I alternated between laughing and nodding as I read this whole post. Your pictures are beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about how you came to use flowers on your blog. Isn’t it great to have a husband who will dig for you? 🙂
Thanks Lois. Glad you enjoyed this post. It was fun to write. And yes, having a husband who is happy to dig garden beds is a luxury. He is the real garden in the family. And knows a lot more than I do.
Theresa, your photos are always beautiful. So funny as I would never wonder why but am so glad you explained 🙂 I have been thinking of getting out and taking a few photos myself. You have encourage me to do so!
Good for you Joanne. Taking your own pictures is not as hard as it seems. Sure there is a learning curve, but it is rewarding. Have fun! 🙂
This made me smile, Theresa! I love your humor and your newish found love for flowers ♥
Blessings and smiles,
Thanks Lori. Looking forward to your book coming out next month. Blessings and joy!
Hi Theresa! I found your blog from Holley’s blog link. I love your flower photos. Would it be possible to include their names in future posts? I’m curious about the flowers. Thanks.
What a great idea. I am curious about some of their names too. We could both be learning in the process.
Dear Theresa, this was so fun to read! I imagined you with the 3 ft long lens, the vest with all the pockets, and a camera bag strapped to you back. I had to laugh when I read your response to the flower tour in my house. I would love to take great pics of any kind, but photography just doesn’t seem to be an area of giftedness for me. Maybe that makes me more appreciative of gorgeous photos like your, and the extent that the Lord will go to in the intricacies of our lives. Thanks for the gift of flowers!
I like your image of me with my camera accessories stalking my flowers to capture one at just the right time. LOL. I wish I could say I knew what I was doing, but I have learned through practice. And have enjoyed every minute of it. They are such an intricate and cheerful subject. And it brings me such joy trying to capture their beauty. God created so many wonderful varieties.