Ignoring something never makes it go away. It just keeps lurking in the background. To heal, we must address it.
Unless we address our past shame, present situations will trigger our past shame.
Remember, we are not defective people, we are injured people. Injured people seek healing. We need healing, and our hurts from shame will dissipate. Just like we can be stronger after a broken bone is set and heals, healing from shame will make us kinder, more loving, braver, and stronger people.
Go deeper, read Shame: Recognize It, Heal from It, Walk in Freedom, post 1, Shame: Recognize It, Heal From It, and Walk in Freedom, post10 and get the freebie “What to Do When You Are Feeling Shame: A Guided Exercise.” To help identify some of the lies about your identity and worth that you believe, take the shame assessment.