It was one of those days where I was rushing here and there and trying to do three things at once, because once 5pm comes, life slows down a little at our house as it heaves into an evening sigh.
Yes, it was just another normal day, like most are, when I pulled into our driveway and noticed a small package and mail on the steps of our front door.
Not having recently ordered anything, I wondered what it was.
I lugged a few bags of groceries into the house and then examined the mail.
Interesting. The package was from my sister.
I figured it was her returning something she had borrowed.
Now here is a tidbit about myself. I grew up in a family that didn’t celebrate Christmas or birthdays. And funny thing, so did my husband. So together we have two people who never received many gifts or even think about giving gifts much because it is not part of our culture or tradition. We end up showing our love in other ways.
Okay, don’t think we are scrooges. Yes, we buy gifts for our children and celebrate birthdays and Christmas, but my husband and I are more the type who will sees a gift and then gives it to our children or each other for no reason.
My siblings and I rarely give gifts to each other. Not sure why or why not. Just don’t. Probably because we never did growing up.
We visit each other and make wonderful meals for each other, take each other places and pay for it, and give gifts of time and attention more than things. Although, we may send each other a birthday card.
If there was a gift giver in my family of origin, it would have to be my dad. He always sent birthday cards and gave gifts on his visits, and sometimes just because. Once I was complaining to him about not being able to find my favorite pencil and pen, because they had also turned into my son’s favorite writing utensils. Shortly afterwards, dad sent me several pens and pencils with a note to hide them so I would be able to use them when I got the urge.
Anyway, all that to say, if I get a package on my doorstep, a gift is not my first thought, or even my tenth.
So I opened the box, thinking it was DVDs my sister was returning. Imagine my surprise when I pulled out some shopping bags, used for packing material, and unwrapped some tissue paper and there was a short note from my sister saying that when she saw this it reminded her of me. It had also made her laugh.
Now laughter, is something my sister and I do a lot of when we are together. So I was intrigued and wondered what it was.
It turned out to be a gift from my sister, and sent just because.
The back was mint green and made of wood. I turned the small plaque over and read it. And I also had to laugh. This is what it said:
It was the perfect gift. The perfect reminder that she will always be there for me and love me and want the best for me. And even if I want to get away from her, I can’t. Because no matter what, she will always be my sister and there is nothing I can do to change that fact. Nothing. Nada.
And you know what. That is a comforting thought. A reassuring thought. Who doesn’t want someone guarding their back? Loving them unconditionally?
And the same is true if you are a child of God.
He is there for you because you are his child. No matter what you say or do or how you act. He is there through thick and thin. Famine and feast. Ship wreck and home wreck. On the mountain top and in the valley. He is our father and we are his children. Nothing can separate us, even death.
And now that we are his children. There is nothing we can do about it. So sit back and enjoy it. Revel in your position. Enjoy his gifts.
I put the plaque on a shelf in my office. And when I look at it, it always brings a smile. Sometimes a laugh.

My sister and I
Join the Discussion: Have you gotten a perfect gift from someone? Or maybe a recent surprise?
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Wow Theresa, good for you. After growing up birthday-less and Christmas-less you sure deserved that gift. Good for her for giving it to you, and good for you for appreciating it
Thanks, Christian. Surprises are nice.
Surprises are such fun! And that saying is even better (& true!)
That saying can also apply to friendships. I love its versatility.
My husband is the master of surprises. He has succeeded in pulling the wool over my eyes on several occasions, planning a trip or overnight getaway or super amazing date without me knowing. He even packed an overnight suitcase for me once, which didn’t go over so well, if you know what I mean. It brings him so much joy to do things like that or send me flowers, just because. It always makes me happy to get those surprises from him.
I love that your sister sent you that cute plaque. It makes me want to do something nice to surprise somebody else for no reason other than that I appreciate them. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Yeah for your husband and his surprises. I agree about planning the overnight trip and not being able to pack anything. My husband and I did that once, and it didn’t go over well either. Some how it is harder to pack for someone than it seems it should be. Where is the toothbrush? Oops!
I knew of another couple doing a variation on this. The husband told the wife the date of the surprise trip and asked her to pack her own suitcase for X number of days and for approximately this temperature of weather. This way there was nothing missing at the other end, but the location and activities were still a surprise.
This is a great posting on two beautiful women. Lol! So much alike and so different at the same time. Sugar and spice.
Thanks Colleen.
I have an unusual name. Growing up I could never find my name on bike tags, coffee mugs, ect. Theresa found and sent me an 8×116 inch wood plaque that says BLISS on it. And it goes awesome in my yellow and green Kitchen. Every time I look at it I think of how sweet my sister is. (That is why she is the Sugar in Colleens comment “Sugar & Spice”) That is also why when I saw the picture with “I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it” I had to send it to Theresa. I Smile because we are best friends and prayer warriors. Love you sister!
That was suppose to be 8 x 16 inch. Lol
Yes, I suppose if it had been 116 inches it would have taken up a whole wall, and you would have had a hard time topping that. LOL
Love ya too, Bliss. Thanks for the gift and for being my sister.